Plagiarism is a very common practice not only among students but also among journalists, writers, bloggers and other professionals. This free program lets you check the writings submitted by your students or employees to verify their originality.
The program is really easy to use. You only need to copy the text to be checked and paste it in the main window of the program. Then, you need to push the Check Duplicate Content button. The program will surf the internet checking if some of the phrases of the text appear in any other online text. In general, the program works fast, although this will depend on your Internet connection speed. You can set the program to search for coincidences using Google, Yahoo, or Google Scholar and Google Books. The program supports more than 190 different languages, so you can use it even if the texts are written in a non-English language.
Once the search has finished, the program will present a report showing the phrases that appear in other texts and the times they appear. The coincidences are presented as hyperlinks so you can click on them to read the results obtained by the search engine you have chosen.
Please note that, although the program is free to download and use, you need to create an account by registering a username, a valid e-mail account, and a password to have access to the plagiarism-checking service.